Thursday, 8 September 2011

Should the death penalty be brought back to Nz?

I’m not quite sure about the reasons why people in New Zealand want to bought back the death penalty, must be a desperate resource to keep the country secure and out of criminals and make the country remain safe as well as its people.
Certainly this fear of people towards killers is not easy to overcome and for me bringing back death penalty is a good way to reduce the homicide numbers in a country like New Zealand in which those numbers are minimal compared with other countries. This decision could make thing twice to those who are be thinking about the idea of committing crime and off course the decision would have an impact on the people mentality.
On the other hand, it is true there is no way to make sure whether someone is guilty or not for a crime at least the defendants declares themselves guilty; So the capital penalty  would not be very effective due to the inaccuracy in which the legal system in every country act with regards to this issue. There have been a lot of cases in which innocent people have been accused for crimes they never committed, cases in which justice has acted in vain, taking lives of innocent people.
I think the justice concept is not possible when the participants are not 100% they can provide it; that is to say, you can’t pretend to solve a problem creating other.
In my view there are a lot of pros and cons about death penalty and to be honest I really don’t know which side to take because sometimes when I see the news and I have to see all those terrible crimes people make, the only words that came to my mind are “they really deserve death”, but is a moral issue and you couldn't expect to act in the same way criminals do, as Gandhi said “eye for an eye makes whole world blind”

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

“Men should always pay”

If I were a gold digger of course my opinion would be of agreement to this statement, but for fortune I am not, so I consider to go Dutch is more than fair, maybe if I were a house wife or a different kind of woman I would say it is ok, but I like to say that I’m completely independent and so that I like to pay my own things. I didn’t mean housewives are not independent, yet the fact you're working give to you a certain freedom which you might not have if you devote your life to home duties.
I don’t know whether is a matter of pride and I don’t know neither to what extent is it good or not, but I think it is unfair just to lay the responsibility of picking the tap to men, If you we are earning the same amount of money or sometimes even more and you are in the condition to afford what you want, why we should let them paid the whole bill, I mean, I’m totally convinced that in the world we are living now many things have changed and the roll of the woman has changed as well.
Of course this kind of things are making the whole concept of dating change and sometimes I think things are going a little bit upside down, but changes are not always bad, as well as they aren’t always good, we must be adaptable to changes and open minded and that’s why breaking through this traditional custom seems to be that good for me, I like the empowerment has been given to us.
However, I would be more than pleased if someone invite me to date and pay for the whole bill, I think is not bad and letting that kind of situations happen make you feel sometimes that sense of romanticism which has been losing in the time throughout the years, even when I must recon I’m not a romantic person.
That is to say, I would pay for my half of the bill, In fact I do because I can do it, but if someone wants to pay the whole amount they he’ll be more than welcome.

I was reading blogs randomly and Just when I was about to give up about trying to do what I've ever wanted without any particular response from the universe I'm in, I found this extremely accurate quote. 

'Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting the different results' Albert Einstein.

So I started wondering, should I've been doing the same thing in the wrong way all the time?.Maybe, but I have to thank to people like Albert Einstain because without thoughts like he had, the bravery, the perseverance and the stubborness he showed us, people like me is digging into themselves to think differently and do things better.

To be honest I don't know too much about Albert Einstein and his contributions to humanity but this finding has has been a good starter.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Obesity epidemic

Nowadays, it is more common to see long queues of people inside of the more well known brands of fast food restaurants and this is a tendency which has increased throughout the years.

As a product of the lack of time of busy people’s lives fast food chains have become in the number one choice for people from all ages, since children to elderly people generating an income of millions and millions of dollars for those restaurants; But also making worse one of the illnesses of the new century, obesity.

It is not a secret, the food you eat in fast food restaurants like Mc Donalds, Wendys or Burguer King among others is not as healthy as the food you usually eat in an average home. Even though people know it, they are still clinging to the idea of making their lives quicker and easy without thinking not even for a second of the consequences this decision could bring to their lives.

Research doesn’t lie, a single meal bought in a fast food restaurant contain more calories than you need in a entire day to have a balanced diet and if you customize your meal as most people do adding more cheese or enlarging your chips or your soda, the calories in the same not standard meal increase in a way hard to reduce just with the used walk to the school, to work or to going home; That is basically the problem.
The lack of physical activity and the intake of big amounts of fast food is about to kill of a heart attack to almost half of the United States population and this tendency is spreading to most of the big cities in the world like an epidemic decease.

It is hard to blame somebody or something for this issue. I tend to think is all about family customs and I definitely can say that family has plenty of responsibility as you can see this problem in children in too early stages of their lives; I think, is parents task to guide children to have good habits so as to have good quality standards of living, the problem is the obesity can be a inherit problem as well, passing through generation to generation and if there is not a complete change of attitude from parents, will be a really hard issue to beat

Nevertheless, the family factor is not the only detonating; Of course I think Fast food companies have a big responsibility due to the negligence they have shown towards the situation they are generating.  Invading consumers with a large range of advertisement they have achieved to change the purchasing behavior of many customers and turn them into compulsive purchasers, and clearly into compulsive eaters.

Besides this, there is still a lack of conscience from fast food companies about their customer’s health; It is seemed that for them human lives are regarded as another business item which is generating the revenues they need to survive.

On the other hand, I think people is guilty of their own fate to some extent, because you make your own decisions and choices and you are the only one responsible and of course you are the only one who is set to bear the consequences of your acts. Finally, I consider this is a problem in which many factors are the responsible, but I think the problem is a rather a matter of conscience more than disinformation, so is likely that the rates of obesity keep on rising if the consumers don’t change their mentality and therefore, their lifestyles.  .  

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Dealing with discrimination

When people talk about discrimination it isn’t a secret that it is an issue that have been by the hand of society during the whole human existence; We can see its roots printed in history as an evidence that even when many people throughout the centuries have been trying to overcome it is something inherent to the human race.

It is known that ancient cultures showed their rejection and contempt through wars and slavery, however, discrimination is a modern concept which saw the light in Europe and in the Spanish colonies in America where a necessity to show superiority was the motivating factor, in fact, it is still one of the main causes on discrimination.

Even though there are a lot types of discrimination, I think there is just one cause which is at least for me the starter; The ignorance.

In my view, the discrimination is just a consequence of our fear about something we don’t know or is completely estrange for us, a completely irrational reaction by instinct but a reaction that should not be hard for us overcoming due to the rationality that has been given to us.

Thus, we have seen through many history facts that it is a problem with a blurred solution because it does not depend on anybody’s action, is rather a matter of everyone mentality, education and cultural background, factors with a very complex structure because those belong to every single individual just like each one personality.

At any rate, it seems to me that it is worth to fight against this social ignorance, taking a step back to learn from our history and turn our mental processes into something different so as to revert our fears and contempt to a true and effective change of attitude, to do so, Schools should be the proper scenery to make this changes possible and to advocate its student to grow social values such as tolerance, respect and solidarity to work against any kind of discrimination and promote equality.

All in all, it is a problem which has always been, it is, and it will be with mankind for the rest of its existence.

Thursday, 1 September 2011


When it comes to euthanasia my thoughts are clear, whereas I know it is a subject in which I have to be tactful because it unleashes a lot of different opinions.

In my opinion, euthanasia should be legal because to die with dignity must be a right for every one and therefore it mustn't be banned.

I am completely in favor of euthanasia because even when I don’t know how is dying people’s feeling, I am sure that if I had a terminal and  painful disease, I wouldn’t like to suffer until my death like many people have.

It is not only a wish based on my will to have a peaceful ending of my life. I am also thinking about my family’s feelings as I think It would be really hard for us to see how your loved one is in pain suffering until death and the God’s will decides it is time to let them go. The psychological repercussions for the relatives of the person who is dying are really hard to carry so I think euthanasia is an option which has been given to our mental health and tranquility.

Abortion’s front-line

Abortion is a subject which has been overlooked throughout the last three or four decades due to the controversy it has caused and of course it has a lot of opinions in favor and against. Nevertheless, it would seem the controversy has not been enough and abortion is still in the world’s front line.

If  we have a look of abortion from a religious perspective a total reject of it is expected so there is not too much to say or discuss as religion has been always radical; If we look at it from a human right's perspective it is when the dividing opinions make this subject an interesting one to study.

Most people think abortion is a complete attack against human rights, and if we consider the fetus as a human life since it is conceived in fact it is an attack, but it is not a life full of misery, poverty and unhappiness an attack against human rights as well? I think it is. So at this point the question about whether abortion is good or not becomes

In my view, pregnancy must be prevented to avoid situations in which you must probe your ethical principles, to do so, a very solid and rich education background in which government and population can rely on is necessary so as to reduce the rates of undesired pregnancies. But in cases in which women have been the victims of sexual abuse or in which you know since the early stages of pregnancy the child is going to have congenital or terminal disease, which could affect the normal course of their lives or even can result in the total inability to have a dignified life, should have an alternative.

If you can avoid the suffering to a future life which for sure is going to be condemned for themselves and for their parents, it is not fair to help it happen?.

At  any rate, abortion would still be a problem if it was banned as it is in most of the countries because the official rates of abortion will decrease but the rates of illegal abortions are likely to increase dramatically, but this is not the worst think; Due to keeping abortion as an illegal practice there won’t be any regulations or guide lines
which can control and assure the running of it, therefore, this wouldn’t be a human rights issue anymore; It would be a public health issue which is even more serious in my humble opinion.

In other words, legal abortion is hundred times better, under specific situations as I wrote a couple of paragraphs before, than  its prohibition. Sometimes there is a feeling of denial in front of this type of situation but this is more than a matter of ethics. It is about common good.

So as many people must be thinking in this moment in the world, there is not an accurate answer to aim to the solution of the problem, but one thing is sure abortions are not going to disappear; Legally or illegally abortions are here to stay, and the question is not how to eradicate them, the question should be, how to control them.