Saturday, 28 January 2012

What's left?

The childhood is gone and what could have been the best moments of my life they never will be back.
Youth, it’s also leaving and with it is leaving behind all the human connections I used to have. 
Times in which I used to share the amazing moments I lived are getting smaller as time goes by. 
You are smart but nor as skilled as you used to be in your golden years, and the worst thing of everything is you didn’t know those were your golden years, you didn’t even notice them.
Time is something you can measure, but definitely it’s something you can’t control and time is one of those things is determined to throw on your face how you have wasted your life dwelling around about the same stupid things. You spent most of your time trying to please people you don’t even know instead of hearing your own needs and making every single possible thing to please yourself.
The clothing you buy, you buy it because you’ve been told to by the people around you and you may look disastrous but you feel realized because you are one of them one more of the rest who melt in the river of banality. 
The things you’ve chosen to do probably might be just the outcome from another market trend. 
It’s hard to me to be down on earth enough to understand I’ve been part of that sick stream that only have made a big hole in my brain.
Digging out is the hardest thing to do.

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